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Developing Apps with GPT-4 and ChatGPT

(ebook) (audiobook) (audiobook) Książka w języku angielskim
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Developing Apps with GPT-4 and ChatGPT Olivier Caelen, Marie-Alice Blete - okladka książki

Developing Apps with GPT-4 and ChatGPT Olivier Caelen, Marie-Alice Blete - okladka książki

Developing Apps with GPT-4 and ChatGPT Olivier Caelen, Marie-Alice Blete - audiobook MP3

Developing Apps with GPT-4 and ChatGPT Olivier Caelen, Marie-Alice Blete - audiobook CD

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This minibook is a comprehensive guide for Python developers who want to learn how to build applications with large language models. Authors Olivier Caelen and Marie-Alice Blete cover the main features and benefits of GPT-4 and ChatGPT and explain how they work. You'll also get a step-by-step guide for developing applications using the GPT-4 and ChatGPT Python library, including text generation, Q&A, and content summarization tools.

Written in clear and concise language, Developing Apps with GPT-4 and ChatGPT includes easy-to-follow examples to help you understand and apply the concepts to your projects. Python code examples are available in a GitHub repository, and the book includes a glossary of key terms. Ready to harness the power of large language models in your applications? This book is a must.

You'll learn:

  • The fundamentals and benefits of ChatGPT and GPT-4 and how they work
  • How to integrate these models into Python-based applications for NLP tasks
  • How to develop applications using GPT-4 or ChatGPT APIs in Python for text generation, question answering, and content summarization, among other tasks
  • Advanced GPT topics including prompt engineering, fine-tuning models for specific tasks, plug-ins, LangChain, and more

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O autorach książki

Dr Olivier Caelen jest badaczem i wykładowcą uniwersyteckim. Zajmuje się uczeniem głębokim. Współautor publikacji w czasopismach naukowych i współtwórca sześciu patentów.

Marie-Alice Blete jest architektem oprogramowania i inżynierem danych. Szczególnie interesuje się problemami wydajności i opóźnień we wdrażanych systemach sztucznej inteligencji.

O'Reilly Media - inne książki


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