Joshua Humphries (jhump on GitHub) has been working with Protocol Buffers and building RPC systems and related facilities for over six years. He was first introduced to Protocol Buffers and Stubby (gRPCs forebearer) while working at Google. Afterward, he led a team that worked on protobuf-based RPC at Square, including smart clients in Java, Go, and Ruby that handled service discovery, load balancing, automatic retries, and automatic geographic failover. Joshua has been an advocate of gRPC since its initial release. He continues his work with Protocol Buffers and gRPC as part of an infrastructure team at FullStory, a customer experience management platform. He is a contributor to the Go open-source projects for gRPC and Protocol Buffers, the author of a Go library for Protocol Buffer reflection named protoreflect, and the author of gRPC-related projects open-sourced by FullStory, including grpcurl.