David Konsumer (konsumer on GitHub, davidkonsumer on Twitter) has been working with open-source for about 20 years, with a strong focus on JavaScript. Before working with Node.js, he used PHP and Python to accomplish his daily programming tasks. He worked at NodeSource, to make N|Solid, Plex, Janrain, and Intel on the App Developer Program website. He also did lots of agency, freelance, and contract work, mostly for the web and cloud-based backend work. He taught programming classes at Free Geek, Portland. David is an advocate for accessible programming and the idea that everyone can learn to code, and it should be easy enough to get cool stuff done. He made grpcnode, node-protoc-plugin, and json2x, useful tools for getting things done with gRPC/protobuf in Node.js. David currently works as Lead of Engineering at Gummicube, an app-store optimization company based in San Jose, running the development department in Portland, OR.