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C# 3.0 Pocket Reference. Instant Help for C# 3.0 Programmers. 2nd Edition

(ebook) (audiobook) (audiobook) Książka w języku 1
C# 3.0 Pocket Reference. Instant Help for C# 3.0 Programmers. 2nd Edition Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari - okladka książki

C# 3.0 Pocket Reference. Instant Help for C# 3.0 Programmers. 2nd Edition Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari - okladka książki

C# 3.0 Pocket Reference. Instant Help for C# 3.0 Programmers. 2nd Edition Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari - audiobook MP3

C# 3.0 Pocket Reference. Instant Help for C# 3.0 Programmers. 2nd Edition Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari - audiobook CD

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This book is for busy programmers who want a succinct and yet readable guide to C# 3.0 and LINQ. C# 3.0 Pocket Reference tells you exactly what you need to know, without long introductions or bloated samples.

Despite its conciseness, this book doesn't skimp on depth or detail, and embraces the conceptual challenges in learning C# 3.0 and LINQ. Tightly focused and highly practical, this pocket reference covers more ground than many of the big books on C#.

C# 3.0 Pocket Reference includes plenty of illustrations and code examples to explain:

  • Features new to C# 3.0, such as lambda expressions, anonymous types, automatic properties, and more
  • All aspects of C# syntax, predefined types, expressions, and operators
  • Creating classes, structs, delegates and events, enums, generics and constraints, exception handling, and iterators
  • The subtleties of boxing, operating overloading, delegate covariance, extension method resolution, interface reimplementation, nullable types, and operating lifting
  • LINQ, starting with the principles of sequences, deferred execution and standard query operators, and finishing with a complete reference to query syntax-including multiple generators, joining, grouping, and query continuations
  • Consuming, writing, and reflecting on custom attributes

You'll also find chapters on unsafe code and pointers, preprocessor directives, XML documentation, and a framework overview. If you're already familiar with Java, C++, or an earlier version of C#, C# 3.0 Pocket Reference is an ideal choice.

No other book or online resource can get you up to speed so quickly.

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O autorach książki

Joseph Albahari jest autorem kilku cenionych książek o programowaniu. Jest też twórcą LINQPada, popularnego narzędzia pomocnego w implementowaniu zapytań do baz danych w LINQ.

Ben Albahari jest współzałożycielem serwisu Auditionist, wirtualnej sceny castingowej dla aktorów. Przez pięć lat pracował w Microsofcie, gdzie kierował kilkoma projektami. Współzakładał firmę Genamics, która dostarcza narzędzia dla programistów C# i J++ oraz oprogramowanie do analizy sekwencji DNA i aminokwasów w cząsteczkach białek. Jest współautorem kilku książek o programowaniu w C#.

Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari - pozostałe książki

O'Reilly Media - inne książki


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